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CBC can provide various bird control solutions, depending on your needs.

Details Of Our Service

Netting on top of the roof

Seagulls & Pigeons love Australia’s factory roofs. They provide radiant warmth in winter and the gutters, air conditioning systems and walkways provide excellent sheltered nesting locations. Not only are high pressure bird-related issues smelly, but they cause expensive damage to the roof by corrosion of acidic faeces (droppings), blocked gutters, reduction of solar panel efficiency and water harvesting no longer possible.
Birds also carry diseases (zoonotic) which can be passed onto humans. Viruses, bacteria, pathogens, fungus and mites can be transported through the air conditioning or on physical human traffic inside an office. Carpets can be impacted, and potential staff absenteeism should be monitored as illness can become an issue in the workplace. The particulate qualities of dried bird faeces can potentially be very dangerous to the WHS of any facility.
Elevated netting is the best way to protect your roof and plant equipment. We use the best HDPE netting (10 year guarantee) and all stainless steel components. Zippers can be installed for easy access.

Netting under ceiling

It is common for awnings in Melbourne to be inundated with birds such as Silver Gulls (seagulls), pigeons and other pest bird species. Awnings provide radiant warmth in winter and excellent sheltered nesting locations. Not only are high pressure bird-related issues smelly, but they are unhealthy.
CBC install HDPE netting, stretched across the entire area, with a zipper for access to lighting or sprinkler systems as required.

Flock Off

The Flock Off System is a revolutionary, high-tech and humane solution to stop birds from landing on or in structures IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY. Flock Off can help eliminate the costs, risks, health hazards and damage caused by birds, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
The Flock Off System is the best solution for your bird exclusion needs. It is capable of reducing up to 100% of the nuisance caused by birds. It does not use chemicals, poison or traps, rendering it Environmentally Friendly.
Flock Off can be used for commercial buildings, residences, billboards, and more.


Migratory and territorial birds utilize an internal GPS system connected to a protein production in their eyes that allows them to “see” directionally through earth’s latitudinal and longitudinal gridlines. Flock Off affects this process, creating an Electromagnetic “force field” around any structure that causes birds to simply find it impossible to land. Invisible to humans, this barrier appears to birds as “fireworks” ON/AROUND the surface of their target landing zone. They WILL NOT LAND and will divert elsewhere, FOREVER. Flock Off Delivers this proven technology

More videos and customer testimonials can be seen here.

Opti Gel

Optical Gel is a multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch.
Sight: Dishes appear to birds as extremely detrimental to their safety (akin to fire or smoke) and avoid immediately
Smell: They can’t stand the citronella and peppermint oil smell which to us is pleasant
Touch: They avoid sticky material (in the unlikely event they touch it)
Where to use: Ledges, signs, balconies, soffits, beams, skylights, signs, roofs, HVAC equipment, enclosed spaces, etc
Target bird: All species, all bird pressures (heavy, medium, and light)
Material: Citronella, peppermint oil, agar, beeswax
How it works: Deters birds by using sight, smell and touch. Birds see fire or smoke, although there isn’t any. They dislike the scent of peppermint oil. The gel is sticky if they do touch it
Safe for the environment: Made of all-green ingredients
Longevity: Dishes are effective for 2 – 4 years.

Bird Spikes

Window ledges and building edges provide great landing areas for birds. Once the birds have eaten for the day, the search for a nice warm place to watch the day go by as they digest their breakfast. High bird pressure in these areas can result in bird droppings on paths, cars, buildings, and pedestrians.
We can supply and install stainless steel bird spikes to prevent birds from landing and perching on those areas.

Bird Wire

A discreet low profile wire can be installed on ledges, parapets, pipes, balustrades and gutters etc. It is quite effective on pigeons, seagulls, crows and other large birds, but less so on smaller birds such as mynas, starlings and sparrows. It is also less effective in dealing with nesting birds than spikes and shock strips.

Eagle eye

The eagle eye has reflective panels that send beams around the area in a menacing pattern. The light reflected by the Eagle Eye disorients birds in flight, disrupting their landing and therefore deterring them. The Eagle Eyes are wind driven and work best in pairs. The Eagle eye’s can be very effective, but unfortunately less so when the birds are nesting, roosting or feeding in that location.


The principle of repelling birds with laser patterns is inspired by nature. Birds perceive the approaching laser beam as a physical danger. It appeals to the survival instinct, causing the birds to fly away. The continuous presence of the moving laser beam is a valuable tool for many bird species.

Bird Shock

As the name suggests, it is a strip of polyethylene and stainless steel, that is energised by plugging into a 240 volt power point. It is discreet and effective on most pest birds. Similar to an electric fence, when the bird steps on the strip, it receives a strong but harmless shock. This type of system is perfect for ledges, pipes, fences etc.

Tree Shock

Tree shock is powered by a solar energiser. Power is sent to two wires, wrapped around a rubber hose, running along the branches. When a bird steps on both wires, it completes the circuit and the bird receives a small shock. This teaches the bird that it is not a comfortable spot to perch.
Tree shock is powered by a solar energiser. Power is sent to two wires, wrapped around a rubber hose, running along the branches. When a bird steps on both wires, it completes the circuit and the bird receives a small shock. This teaches the bird that it is not a comfortable spot to perch.


Trapping and removal of the birds is often seen as a last resort. Once the birds are gone, if the roof is clean and the deterrent measures are installed, it is very unlikely that you will see new arrivals.
The trapping process takes around two weeks. First the trap is put in place and left open, then free feeding begins and goes for about a week. Then the trap is set and the pigeons are removed.
*The traps must provide the birds with shade, food and water and must be checked every day once the trap is set.

Professional Shooting

Often the existing flock in a factory or enclosed area needs to be removed. We offer a professional contract shooting service. Our service includes all police permits and SWMS.
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